Carlo Antonini
Director of the group
Carlo Antonini talks about his research path in the occasion of the ACS’ Diversity and Inclusion Cover Art Series in 2022
Carlo Antonini
Associate Professor at Department of Materials Science - University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Roberto Cozzi, 55, 20125 Milano MI
On his words:
I received the BSc in Aerospace Engineering (2004) and the MSc in Aeronautical Engineering (2007), from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and the PhD in Technologies for Energy and Environment from University of Bergamo (2011), Italy, with a thesis titled “Superhydrophobicity as a strategy against icing”. In 2012, I received support from the European Research Council (ERC) to join ETH Zurich, Switzerland, as a Marie Curie Fellow; I worked in the Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies on the project “ICE2: ICEphobicity for severe ICing Environments”. In March 2015 I joined EMPA – Swiss Federal Laboratory for Material Science and Technology – as scientist, focusing on the control of surface wetting properties of cellulose-based materials for various engineering applications, ranging from liquid separation (oil remediation) to thermal insulation. One of projects included ice templating as a technique to fabricate ultra-porous foams from nanofibrillated cellulose with selective liquid absorption.
Since 2017 I am the scientific advisor of ApiTech, an italian startup supporting innovation in SMEs.
In September 2018 I joined the Department of Materials Science at the University of Bicocca-Milano (Italy), as tenure-track senior researcher, with support of a Rita Levi Montalcini Fellowship. In 2021 I got tenured as associate professor.
Teaching activities
All courses are listed on my institutional web page.
I am currently teaching the following courses (see link to the elearning platforms):
Engineered Nanomaterials (MSc, 2nd year, 1st semester)
Thermal Transport down to the nanoscale (doctoral course for Materials Science and Nanotechnology)
Previously courses:
Physical Chemistry of Solid State and Surfaces (MSc, 1st year, 2nd semester)
Physical Characterization of Materials with laboratory (MSc, 1st year, 1st semester)
All perfect, right?
No, my CV is made of successes as well as failures. In fact, failures are definitely more. If you are interested, here below is my personal CV of failures, together with the more classical CV you expect to find on a page like this.
And here you can read the reason why I decided to write my CV of failures.