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PFAS-freie Beschichtungen auf Chitosanbasis
PFAS-freie Beschichtungen auf Chitosanbasis
Die Substitution fluorierter Stoffe ist aufgrund ihrer Toxizität und ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu einem Problem geworden. Dies hat nun auch die EU erkannt, weshalb zunehmen restriktive Vorschriften eingeführt werden. Aufgrund ihrer einfachen Modifizierung der Funktionalität und ihrer Filmbildungseigenschaften werden Polysaccharide und insbesondere Chitosan als mögliche strategische Alternativen zum Ersatz fluorierter Substanzen angesehen.
Beyond solids and liquids: the science of slime
Beyond solids and liquids: the science of slime
Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? It’s slime! Check out this educational article, written to help school teachers to introduce relevant topics in the Materials Science field, such as polymers and their viscoelastic behavior.
PFAS-free chitosan-based coatings with tunable transparency and hydrophobicity
PFAS-free chitosan-based coatings with tunable transparency and hydrophobicity
The substitution of fluorinated substances has become an urgent problem because of their toxicity and environmental impact. Polysaccharides and, specifically chitosan are emerging as possible strategic alternatives to substitute fluorinated substances. This is the topic of the article published in the January 2024 issue of Wiley Analytical Science Magazine.
Superfici ghiaccio-fobiche - Intervista a Smart city su Radio24
Superfici ghiaccio-fobiche - Intervista a Smart city su Radio24
L'effetto loto è quella proprietà di alcuni materiali di far rotolare le gocce d'acqua che vi cadono sopra, mantenendoli asciutti. In questi casi si parla di superfici idro-fobiche. Cosa dire, invece, del ghiaccio? È possibile realizzare superfici "ghiaccio-fobiche", cioè che impediscono al ghiaccio di aderire? Ne parliamo con Carlo Antonini, professore dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca.
Carlo Antonini: A young talent
Carlo Antonini: A young talent
The "Young Talents Award", established by the University of Milan-Bicocca and now in its sixth edition in 2021, is sponsored by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei . Among the numerous researchers awarded in year 2020 and 2021, there is also Carlo Antonini , winner in 2020 and meanwhile become associate professor of Materials Science and Technology of the Department of Materials Science .
Breaking the ice- an article in "Progettare" magazine ed. 442
Breaking the ice- an article in "Progettare" magazine ed. 442
The negative consequences of ice can affect many aspects of people’s lives. Even the simplest tasks like walking or driving can become sensibly more difficult in sub-zero conditions. The same problems affect also large-scale structures and systems that operate in cold regions, like overhead power lines, meteorological instruments, antennas, bridges, or aircrafts. Nanotechnologies can be useful to develop efficient icephobic surfaces, mitigating the adverse effects of icing.
Prof. Carlo Antonini explains the latest engineering strategies and challenges for the fabrication of anti-icing surfaces
From an educational proposal aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial spirit to a startup. Thus was born Bioaerovax , the entrepreneurial idea among the 21 selected through the fourth pre-acceleration and acceleration program of B4i - Bocconi for Innovation .The protagonists of this story of innovation and entrepreneurship are the founders of Bioaerovax : Stefano Seccia and Irene Dei Tos.
Filters for atmospheric water harvesting with the aim of Badgir from Persian ancient architecture.